Welcome to the Manifest Information Management System
The Manifest Information Management System (MIMS) is a database used to monitor the management of commercial low-level radioactive waste (LLW)
in the U.S. MIMS was developed in 1986 by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in response to provisions in 42 U.S.C. 2021g(a).
The LLW information in MIMS is derived from manifests for waste shipments to one closed (Beatty, Nevada) and four
operating commercial LLW disposal facilities: Chem-Nuclear Systems LLC [Barnwell, SC]; EnergySolutions, formerly Envirocare of
Utah [Clive, UT]; US Ecology [Richland, WA]; and Waste Control Specialists LLC [Andrews, TX]. Based on agreement reached
with the disposal site operators during initial development of MIMS, waste generators are not specifically identified, but instead
are given a unique code indicating the state of origin. Some shipments include waste from multiple states and/or waste
generators which are delivered via brokers or waste processors.
The scope of the data in MIMS is limited to LLW from utilities, industries including waste brokers/processors, academic/research institutions,
medical facilities, and government (state and Federal outside DOE). In addition, MIMS has historically provided information on disposal
of naturally-occurring radioactive material (NORM) at the US Ecology site, although NORM is outside the scope of this application.
A summary table of information is posted
outside of MIMS to provide interested users with the volume of other waste disposed at Energy Solutions
that is not reported in MIMS. The summary table includes the following waste volume data: LLW from DOE, mixed low-level waste (MLLW),
NORM, and byproduct material [also known as 11e.(2)].
For additional information contact Jonathan Kang, U.S. Department of Energy, at (301) 903-7178 or jonathan.kang@em.doe.gov.